(formally Volunteer Shifts)

The success of the Aqua Bears swim team is directly related to enthusiastic support of our families.  It takes about 55 parents to run a home meet not to mention others who help throughout the year/season.  Besides our coaching staff, our team is completely run by volunteers.  Service hours are a required.


  • Each Family commits to work a minimum of 6 jobs during regular meets plus 1 extra shift  at Invitationals or at Championships (depending upon which meet your swimmers’ attend)
    • 2 of the 6 shifts must be poolside jobs (kid runner, timer, stroke and turn judge)
    • If one of your swimmers is 10 or younger, at least 3 of the 6 shifts must be a kid runner job.

If you are unable to fulfill your shift, it is your responsibility to find a replacement and let the Service Hour coordinator know of the change.


  • The Service Hour Fee for 2024 season will be $500.


  • If you do not fulfill all of your obligations, you will be charged this fee at the end of the season.
  • In addition, families who do not complete their service hours for 2 years, will be disqualified from registering with the team the following year.

In lieu of some or all of the 6 required job shifts, there are several season long volunteer jobs that you can apply to volunteer for, if there is an opening. Openings are announced through team emails.